Today Brent was sick and I went to church without him. I thought church with a baby was hard until I had to do it without reinforcements. I had to direct the choir during Sacrament meeting and the hymns in Relief Society. There were lots of helpful people around willing to hold the baby while I led music and carted heavy bags around. Unfortunately, the baby wanted no one but mommy.
As I was wrestling with a fussy baby for three hours today I began to wonder why I do this anyway. I can now understand what motivates young mothers to stop coming to church, especially if they don't have the support of their husband. Emma leaned over to me during Sacrament meeting and asked me if I get anything out of the services anymore. Of course I don't. But I go because it is right to go.
I was struggling with the baby's restlessness in Relief Society and after the practice hymn I excused myself to feed her. She fell asleep, wonder of all wonders! I was able to go back to my meeting and hold a precious sleeping Baby Jenny and actually get something out of the lesson. It was a sweet moment: an exquisite child in my arms and the Spirit in my heart. It wasn't much, but it was enough to make me grateful. In that moment, life was peaceful. In that moment there was joy.
They Love Him
2 days ago
I am glad that you blog. It's the improved and married version of facebook, without the nonsense, superpoking, strangers looking you up, old people from high school you want to avoid looking you up...
Okay, so I guess it's totally different from facebook. An embraced difference. I love you and your beebee ganny. And your life is anything but small.
Hi Maren! Thanks for the blog invite! I have absolutely loved blogging - it has given me a creative outlet as well as keeping our extended family up to date on everything happening with our lives. The perfect combination of scrapbooking and journal writing with the added benefit of an audience! Check us out!
We loved your Christmas card! Thank you for sending us one. Jenny is Beautiful - she is the perfect combination of you and Brent. We neglected getting our cards out this year! I was so sad about it. I promise you one for next year, though!
I look forward to reading your blog frequently! This will be fun!
Your sabbath moment gave me a moment of joy reading it. I think that some of the Savior's sweetest instruction came when he had children near him.
I am grateful for relations such as you that allow me to have "Saturday moments" with your children. The more sub-four feet people at family gatherings the better.
Thank you for sharing.
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