1. Practice fingerdrop/eyes open hypnosis technique 3-5x daily, 6 days a week, until James is born
2. Listen to affirmations 6 days a week until James is born
3. Do one script every day until James is born
4. Prenatal exercises 6x a week until James is born
5. Take supplements (esp. RRL & EPO) daily until James is born
6. Give birth to a healthy boy!
7. Eat my greens 5 days a week for 12 consecutive weeks
8. Drink my kefir 5 days a week for 12 consecutive weeks
9. Drink 2-3 liters water every day for 12 consecutive weeks
10. Cardio 3x a week for 12 consecutive weeks
11. Strength training 2x a week for 12 consecutive weeks
12. Lose baby weight by time James is 9 months old
13. Get to ideal weight by James 18 months old
14. Take a yoga class 2x a week for 1 month
15. Take a pilates class 2x a week for 1 month
16. Take zumba class 2x a week for 1 month
17. 100% visiting teaching for 12 consecutive months
18. Read my scriptures for 30 minutes every day, for 30 days
19. Pray twice daily every day for 30 days
20. Prepare Sunday lesson plans a month in advance, a month at a time, for 6 months
21. Hold FHE every week for 12 consecutive weeks
22. Bear my testimony in Sacrament meeting 3 times
23. Attend the temple once a month for 12 consecutive months
24. Read the scriptures with Brent every night for one month
25. Pray with Brent every night for one month
26. Breastfeed James for 18+ months
27. This one's private ;)
28. Also private
29. Have each sibling+spouse+kids over for dinner
30. Potty train Jenny
31. Help Jenny pick up her room before bed every day for 30 days
32. Go on a date with Brent at least once a month for 12 months
33. Establish daily schedule for kids (play/meal/outdoor/cleaning/quiet time, etc.) and follow it every weekday for a month
34. Plan meals two weeks in advance for 3 months
35. Complete my morning routine first thing in the morning every day for one month
36. Go to bed with a clean kitchen every night for 30 days
37. Organize baby clothes, label, and store
38. Develop toy organization/rotation system
39. Do one load of laundry every weekday for 4 consecutive weeks.
40. Cook dinner from scratch 3x a week for 12 consecutive weeks
41. Keep office desk clear every day for 30 days
42. Keep Quicken up to date for 3 months
43. Establish budget with Brent
44. Organize recipes
45. Create “reference books” for remodel/decorating ideas, parenting, fhe, primary, home organization, etc.
46. Organize music
47. Declutter every zone in my house
48. Implement zone cleaning into my routine every weekday for 10 consecutive weeks.
49. Finish front garden plan and perennial plantings
50. Keep front garden weed free for one whole season!
51. Get a new laptop
52. Get up when I wake up every day for 30 days
53. Write in journal or blog once a week for 12 consecutive weeks
54. Get family herbalist certification
55. Take weekly harp lessons for one year
56. Anti-procrastination day once a week for 12 consecutive weeks
57. Floss every day for a month
58. Private
59. Private
60. Read 50 books in one year
61. Read the complete series “The Greatest Books of the 20th Century”
62. Another private one
63. Yet another private one
Food Storage/Emergency Planning
64. Develop 3 month food storage menu
65. Make 1 year food storage inventory/shopping list
66. Organize food storage closet
67. Complete 1 year food storage
68. Complete emergency gear storage
69. 72 hour kits for adults, kids, and pets
70. Living will/power of attorney/other necessary legal documents
71. Sew additional Christmas stockings
72. Sew apron for me and Jenny
73. Design and send out James baby announcements
74. Sew tent/canopy for Jenny’s room
75. Design and send out Christmas cards each year
Personal History
76. Label all digital pictures and organize by date/event and archive them
77. Finish mission scrapbooks (journaling, page protectors)
78. Organize personal and family memorabilia
79. Finish Jenny’s baby book
80. Finish Jenny’s 1-3 book
81. Finish James’ baby book & start his 1-3 book
82. Finish engagement/honeymoon book
83. Upload home video footage and make dvds.
84. 365 photo journal (take 1 picture a day for a year)
85. Buy a new camera
86. Paint doors & hallway
87. Paint & set up basement bedroom for Jenny
88. Finish wall décor in living room
89. Remodel kitchen
90. Remodel upstairs bathrooms
91. Remodel dining room
92. New flooring in living room
93. Install blinds in office and living room
94. Media & toy storage solution in basement
Just for Fun
95. Rasmussen Ladies’ tea party
96. Go on Alpine slide
97. Take ballroom dance lessons with Brent
98. Take a floral arranging class
99. Take Brent on a romantic overnight trip sans kids
100. Family vacation to Disneyland and/or San Diego
101. Take family to Timpanogos Caves
As I look over my list I'm rather overwhelmed, so it's a good thing I have 1001 days to complete it all. I also just noticed that most of my goals are more habits I want to develop, rather than things I want to do. Anyhow, I suppose I'll have to plug away pretty consistently in order to get it all done, otherwise time will sneak up on me and I'll be three years older and still not have my food storage done.
I'm excited, though. I love lists, and here is my ultimate to-do list. Well, I shouldn't say ultimate. There are lots of things not on here that I'd like to do someday, but that's what future years hold for me.
The point is that I'm hoping to reign in my procrastination tendencies. We all have them. I'm hoping that as I consistently work toward my goals not only will I live more providently, but I'll have more feelings of satisfaction, fulfillment, and contentment. As long as I'm making progress I'll feel good about that.
5 days ago
I love making lists too! And in 3 I'd like to see what my life will be like in 3 years. Good luck!
Hey, I noticed there is an alpine slide at Snowbird. Prices are: 1 ride $8
2 rides $13
5 rides $30
I've been to the slide in Park city but not this one. It looks about the same.
Wow, I was tired after reading that. I didn't know you played the harp!
Maren, thanks so much for that comment on my blog...I could tell it was heartfelt and it really helped yesterday!!
I LOVE LISTS! I am so doing this. We are planning on being in Vegas for about three more years, so this is perfect! Plus, after three very close pregnancies(two practicly on top of eachother) I am ready for some serious action!(You know what I mean). I have been so tired for so long and I am ready to get productive again. I am excited about this millions.:)
ps.If you drive to Anneheim or Sandiego for your vacations you should stop here and visit!
When you wink and say something's personal I begin to feel uncomfortable... I enjoyed your list, all the same. The list making thing must run in the family. Sometimes I write something on my to-do list that I've already done just so that I can have the satisfaction of crossing it off.
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