Here are some Christmas pics for you to enjoy:
We spent Christmas morning with Grandma & Grandpa Jensen. It was a very special holiday in their home. We wrote a letter to Santa, played games, read the scriptures, and just enjoyed one another.
Here is Baby Jenny on her first Christmas morning. She loved the bows and rolling around in the wrapping paper. Most of all she loved her new bling biko that Santa put in her stocking. Here we all are in our new digs. Maren got new jammies, Brent a new pi-rate t-shirt, & Jenny's new outfit says "Daddy's Little Present".
Jenni and Jenny. Baby loved Auntie's playing. It made her laugh and giggle and pose oh so adorably for the photo.
At the Christmas Party at the Homestead. I caught Jonah and Noelle in this pose, and asked them recreate it for me, which they happily agreed to.
Baby Jenny has got a cat by the tail. I wonder why he's hiding in that bag? Loki likes burrowing, but it also makes a good hideout.
They Love Him
2 days ago
Love the pictures. And the pi-rate shirt. Makes me think of Pirates of Penzance in the song where they say, "married to a pi-rate."
I had so much fun giving multiple zurburts (sp?) to that cute belly and neck.
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