Maybe you know who Flylady is, and if so, feel free to stop reading now because I won't write anything you don't already know about. In case you have never heard of her, let me enlighten you. My dear sister Shelley told me about Flylady, and she has changed my life, so I'm just passing along the favor.
Flylady is a woman named Marla who lives in NC. She started a yahoo group that was for women who wanted help with organizing and cleaning their homes. She sort of picked up the torch from "The Slob Sisters" and has added to and adapted their methods for us "SHEs" (Sidetracked Home Executives). She went from a little group of a handful of members, to her own website, an online radio show, and 500,000 members. She tours all around the country having "Fly-fests" visiting her flybabies (members, apprentices, what have you) in her efforts to bring help, motivation, and peace to everyone and anyone who cares for their home.
Her system is all based on routines. You build routines, make them habitual, and soon you'll find that your house seems to clean itself. She is all about babysteps. Here are some of my favourite flyladyisms:
"You can do anything for 15 minutes."
"You can't organize clutter. You can only get rid of it."
"Housework done imperfectly still blesses your family."
"Your house did not get dirty in a day, and it's not going to get clean in a day."
"You are not behind. Just jump in where you are."
Reading Flylady's daily emails has changed the way I think about housekeeping and the way I do it. I'm far from perfect, and I'm sure I'll never be so. But her system makes sense and helps and inspires me.
So if you suffer from disorganization, excessive clutter, or simply don't know how or where to start, check her out.
Thanks to her, my bathroom is almost always clean, my dishes are almost always done, my floors are often vacuumed, my bed is nearly always made, and my front room is never more than 15 minutes from being "company ready". Oh yeah, and I always stay on top of my laundry and never have to search for clean underwear. May you know the same blessings.
They Love Him
2 days ago
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